"> />
Set the size of the connect modal on desktop - "compact"
or "wide"
Modal size is always compact
on mobile
By default it is "wide"
for desktop.
type size = "compact" | "wide";
Title to show in ConnectButton
's Modal
The default is "Connect"
type title = string;
Customize the welcome screen. This prop is only applicable when modalSize prop is set to "wide". On "wide" Modal size, a welcome screen is shown on the right side of the modal.
This screen can be customized in two ways
const welcomeScreen = { title: "your title", subtitle: "your subtitle", img: { src: "https://your-image-url.png", width: 300, height: 50, },} <ConnectButton connectModal={{ welcomeScreen: welcomeScreen,}} />
<ConnectButton connectModal={{ welcomeScreen: () => <YourCustomComponent />, }}/>;