
When buying a token with fiat currency - It only involes doing on-ramp if the on-ramp provider supports buying the given destination token directly.

If the on-ramp provider does not support buying the destination token directly, user can be sent an intermediate token with fiat currency from the on-ramp provider which can be swapped to destination token onchain.

usePostOnRampQuote hook is used to get the quote for swapping the on-ramp token to destination token.

When you get a "Buy with Fiat" status of type "CRYPTO_SWAP_REQUIRED" from the useBuyWithFiatStatus hook, you can use usePostOnRampQuote hook to get the quote of type BuyWithCryptoQuote for swapping the on-ramp token to destination token to complete the step-2 of the process.

Once you have the quote, you can start the Swap process by following the same steps as mentioned in the useBuyWithCryptoQuote documentation.

function usePostOnRampQuote(
queryOptions?: PostOnRampQuoteQueryOptions,
): UseQueryResult<BuyWithCryptoQuote>;


object of type GetPostOnRampQuoteParams


let params: {
buyWithFiatStatus: BuyWithFiatStatus;
client: ThirdwebClient;


let queryOptions: PostOnRampQuoteQueryOptions;


let returnType: UseQueryResult<BuyWithCryptoQuote>;

Object of type BuyWithCryptoQuote which contains the information about the quote such as processing fees, estimated time, converted token amounts, etc.